Mittwoch, 14. Januar 2015

Finally so far, one winters day ….

We do not get a lot of snow in this part of the country. Actually all over the country snow isn't guaranteed in any winter, but this winter we seem to get a little bit….., at least for a day or two.
Snow is always dividing the nation, there are loads of people who just hate the sight of it, others who simply don’t like it, children who love it ( because there might be no school!! ) and me who adores it.
Right now I can see some of you shaking their heads and thinking: ‘why in the name of holy Moses would she like this white, frozen stuff, which endangers the species of the modern human kind. We all could slip or fall or crash or get spluttering coughs, colds or the consumption ( yes, we did watch Frank Mc Courts 'Angela's ashes' over the Christmas ). This ‘bog blog hippie’ is probably sitting all day in her warm house and doesn't have to face the elements, while others have to risk their lives on icy roads. ’
Better snow, frost and sleet in 'official winter time' then later in the year and while thinking ahead, about gardening in a few weeks time, I prefer to have some good frost and snow to reduce pests and disease on plants.
Snow days on the farm don't really make things easy, as at least twice a day stock has to be fed and watered ... whatever the weather. Apart from cleaning out the horse shed, filling buckets with water from the drums or the river, feeding more hay and grains as normal, it is fun to watch all the different reactions of our animals, when they face the immaculate snow in the morning. It reminds me of the same feeling, when you are about to jump into a still pool, where the surface is just so calm and clear.

The dogs seem to love it and Lucy dives into the snow making funny noises, while good old Murphy, tries at least to hop around me to show his excitement.

Letting out the cats for a wee in the morning, they seem to look at me questioning, what happened last night? When the first paw touches the snow, they would think twice about sneaking back in … but, business has to be done outside and there are no other choices … .

The horses got loose on me this morning, for a little gallop up the road. I didn't close the gate properly, while pushing the wheelbarrow to the Compost heap. But without trouble they followed the noise of shaking oats in a bucket and came back after their short spin.

It’s definitely no weather for goats. Not only is all the ground covered in snow, but the bushes and trees too. So they need plenty of hay and water to keep them happy.

The plain white complexion of the geese got literally swallowed up by the same colored snow. Only the bright orange peak and legs stood out.

The ducks nodded permanently quacking to each other, discussing obviously the weather, while the hens were divided in two parties. Some stayed only indoors and others rushed over to the bird feeders construction, waiting for some crumbs to fall down.

The wild birds got an extra big feast today with peanuts, sunflower seeds, mixed seeds, fat balls and a mixture of raisins and oat flakes. Moses, the tortoise left his hibernation box the other day and sunbathes under a 40 watt basking lamp, enjoying the rays in his own little universe.


While finishing off this 'bog blog', number 4, nearly all the snow is gone, the river became really high and there is a red alert weather warning for trough out the night, high winds and precipitation in all possible ways from all possible directions.

Corsallagh Snowmen/women over the years:

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